Ctenopharyngodon Idella, commonly known as Grass Carp, is part of the minnow fish family. These giant Asian minnows feed mainly on vegetation in warm water, such as freshwater lakes and rivers, making this fish challenging for anglers. Carp are often used for weed control where excessive aquatic vegetation is found, but angling for these fish has become popular over the last thirty years.
I wrote this article about the best bait for Grass Carp to help my fellow angler get a leg up on what is best to use when trying to land these monsters. The common carp can have a body weight of 100 pounds and grow to 4 feet in length now; that’s a big fish!
In this article, I will explain some of the best bait to use when fishing for Grass Carp, plus some fishing tips that you can use to better your chances of catching one of these freshwater creatures. So read on if you are interested in learning everything you need to know about catching Grass Carp!
What’s The Best Bait For Catching Grass Carp?

Grass Carp, as the name implies, mainly feed on grass and other aquatic plants found in rivers and lakes. So your typical live fishing bait is not used when fishing for grass carp. You will want to use vegetation-type bait that I will list in the following paragraphs. If you use these best baits and the right techniques, you will have a better chance of catching one of these powerful fish.
Dough Bait
Dough balls are one of the most popular and effective baits to use when angling for grass carp. To prepare the bait, simply mix some bread dough with water and rolled oats. Then, form the mixture into small balls and thread a wire through each ball. The wire should be long enough to reach the bottom of the lake or pond where you will be fishing.
When ready to fish, simply lower the bait into the water and wait for a bite. Grass carp are notoriously shy, so it may take patience to finally land one. But with the right bait, you will eventually be successful.
Sweet Corn

While grass carp are typically considered a nuisance species, they can be quite good to eat. As a result, many fishermen use sweet corn as bait to catch them. Before you fish for grass carp using corn, you should introduce some corn in the area you want to fish by scattering a few cans of sweet corn about 10 to 20 feet from the shore.
Allow a few hours to pass before actually casting your line in. This will give the carp time to get used to the taste and smell of the sweet corn. The process is fairly simple – sweet corn is simply placed on a hook and cast into the water.
The grass carp will then bite the corn and become hooked. While catching a grass carp this way may take patience, the effort is often worth it. Not only is the flesh of this fish species delicious, but it is also a good source of protein and omega 3. So, if you’re looking for a tasty meal and don’t mind spending some time fishing, sweet corn bait is worth a try.
You can also use field corn to catch grass carp, but you must soak it in water and let it ferment before you can fish with it. It takes about 4 days before the corn is ready for fishing, but the carp will go crazy over it.
Lima Beans

When it comes to bait, fishermen have many options to choose from. worms and minnows are popular choices, but in some cases, an unlikely choice can be the most effective. For example, lima beans or green beans on small hooks have effectively caught grass carp.
This is because grass carp are vegetarian fish and are attracted to lima beans because they resemble their natural diet. While it may seem like a strange choice of bait, using lima beans can be an effective way to catch these elusive fish.
Like the other baiting options for grass, carp toss a few cans of lima beans into the water where you plan fishing before you cast your line in. Give the carp a few hours to get the lima beans to taste, and then you can bait your hook with the beans just like you would put a worm on the hook.
Pieces of Bread
Using pieces of bread to catch grass carp is like using dough balls, but since bread is not as sticky as dough, it sometimes has a more difficult time staying on the hook, especially for long periods. But grass carp are attracted to bread, and this bait does work.
Large fish like Grass carp enjoy the sugar and protein that bread can give them. The best way to use bread and keep it on the hook longer is to use fresh, moist bread. Old stale bread will fall off the hook much more easily than fresh bread.
Your best bet is to throw a few pieces of bread in the water around where you will be fishing. Let the bread sink to the bottom, so the carp get used to the bread being in the environment before casting your fishing line. Once the carp get a taste of the bread you put in their environment, they will surely go after your line.
Cherry Tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes can be an effective bait to help you catch the elusive grass carp. Any vegetable you introduce into the water where you believe the grass carp are hiding will work as bait. Once you have placed a pail or two of cherry tomatoes in the river or lake, wait a few hours and then bait your hook with a cherry tomato. As soon as the carp get the taste and smell of the tomato, they will attack your hook.
How to Use Pack Bait to Catch Grass Carp
Pack bait is an effective type of bait to use to catch grass carp. Pack bait comes in many concoctions, like mixing a dough ball with other grass carp-type baits mentioned above. All you need to do is clump this bait together using peanut butter, make the pack bait, and place it around your sinker and hook. Cast your fishing line into the water.
The pack bait will fall apart on the bottom of the river or lake and attract the grass carp fish to that area. Before you know it, you will have grass carp attacking your line!
Fishing Guide: Best Carp Hooks
Using a Hair Rig to Catch Grass Carp

One of the best ways to catch grass carp is to use a hair rig. This rig consists of a hook attached to a monofilament line length. The hook is then baited with bread, corn, or grain. The advantage of using a hair rig is that it allows the bait to float just off the bottom, where grass carp are often found feeding.
If you’re hoping to land a grass carp on your next fishing trip, try the hair rig. With a little patience and luck, you might find yourself reeling in a whopper.
What’s The Best Water Temperature to Catch Grass Carp?
Many anglers wonder what the best water temperature is to catch grass carp. While there is no easy answer, there are a few factors to consider. First, grass carp prefer warm water and will become less active in cooler temperatures.
Second, they are more likely to be found near vegetation, so areas with high levels of aquatic plants are often the best spot to look for them.
Finally, remember that grass carp are sensitive to changes in water temperature and can be easily spooked, so approach with caution and be prepared to fish slowly and patiently. Considering these factors, you can increase your chances of landing a grass carp on your next fishing trip.
The best time of year to go carp fishing
The best time of year for carp fishing is spring. The weather is starting to warm up, so the fish are more active, and the days are longer, so you have more time to fish. The water is also usually clearer in spring, which makes it easier to see the fish.
However, spring can also be difficult to fish for because of the high water levels and strong currents. So, if you’re looking for a challenge, spring is the time to go carp fishing.
When’s The Best Time of Day to Fish For Grass Carp?
A few times of day are best for catching grass carp. Like many fish species, these carp species are more active at dawn in the early morning and dusk when the sun goes down. Carp will feed at any time of day, but early morning and late evening are the best times to try your luck.
Tips for catching more carp
Carp are a type of freshwater fish that are popular among anglers. They are known for their hard-fighting nature and delicious taste. If you’re looking to catch more carp, you can do a few things to increase your odds of success.
First, use bait that is high in protein and oil content. Carp are attracted to these baits because they provide them with the energy they need to grow and reproduce.
Second, use a small hook. Carp have small mouths, so a smaller hook will likely stay lodged in their mouth if they take a quick nibble at your bait.
Third, Carp are not the easiest fish to catch, so it may take time and patience before you reel one in. But when you finally do, it will all be worth it.
The fourth and fifth tips would be to use a landing net and a 10-foot medium action rod when you target grass carp.
The net comes in handy when pulling in grass carp of any size because most Asian carp are big enough that you will need a net and the medium action rod gives you more control over these fish no matter what water bodies you find yourself angling in.
Finally, the size of the hook you use and the fishing line you use are important. It’s recommended to use a 20lb test monofilament line with treble hook sizes between 4 and 8 works best for carp.
Finale – Best Bait For Grass Carp
Now you should have a good idea of the best bait to use when fishing for grass carp. These powerful fish are sure fun to catch they give up a tremendous fight, and they have a sweet taste o so good!
With the tips and information in this article, you will have a better chance of catching a grass carp the next time you go angling.
I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. I love hearing from my readers. Until next time Happy Angling!
Cory Haasnoot
Cory is a content writer-editor and founder of Tackle Box Talk. Favorite Quote: "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."